What they do:
Access Education – Guatemala Children’s Fund is committed to providing funds to schools which will enable every single child to attend.
Access Education – Guatemala Children’s Fund is committed to building schools where none exist.
We are actively on the ground – working to break the cycle of poverty.
Through our efforts, hundreds of children have been enrolled in school over the past four years. In partnership with these communities, and with these children, we are breaking the cycle of poverty and ignorance.
To Create Schools where none exist in the Department of Quetzaltenango
Our mission is to create schools in the area of Coatepeque, Quetzaltenago in the small villages that surround the larger city. While there are schools in operation in most towns, they are usually too small to accommodate more children.
It is not unusual to find a school with 15 classrooms and 800 children. There are also very few public Middle Schools, and even fewer secondary schools. That has to change.
To put ALL children in Public Education
The children of Guatemala are hungry for knowledge and they know only too well that education and employment are intrinsically connected.
Our mission is to put children in Public Schools, which means that we pay for their inscription fees, pay for their books and pay for their uniforms. We also ensure that each school has a system of providing nutritional breaks so that children that are hungry have a meal every day.
Kindergarten through University
When we arrived in La Union, Coatepeque in 2006, most children in the village had 2 or 3 years of Elementary School before having to drop out to do menial labour.
That has changed. We now have 95% of elementary school graduates moving on to our Middle School. We have had 3 Middle School graduations, which enabled xx students to continue their studies. We have many young people in community colleges studying everything from Auto Mechanics to Computer Programing.
We currently have students graduating from university this year in the areas of Nursing, Law and a Certified General Accountant and Auditor.
Statistics from 2015 in respect to our new Middle School
Currently there are 173 students in Middle School; most of whom would not be in school today if it were not for the work of Access Education. A vast majority of our students graduate from Grade 9, and ll teachers have been retained for the 5 years the school has been in existence.
The school was recognized at the ceremony by the Ministry of Education as having one of the best programs in the Department (Province) of Quetzaltenango.
There have been 3 graduating classes; ALL students went on to high school!
the project:
Grapes for Humanity continues to help with support to the primary and middle school in La Union.