What they do:
Amani Children's Home supports underserved children in Mto wa Mbu, Tanzania in their academic endeavors, emotional development and physical wellbeing, through full-time residential care. The Amani Foundation provides financial aid, managerial oversight and administrative support to Amani Children's Home. Amani provides full-time residential child care. This means welcoming facilities, a well-maintained campus, and a space within our dormitories for each child to call their own.
the project:
Grapes for Humanity Canada, as our main partner in the new Amani Safe House, has made, and is making it possible to now rescue hundreds of children from severe abuse, where in the past they were left in their dangerous situations because there was no safe space to shelter them. This is a huge step for Amani, for Tanzania (as also expressed by the Tanzanian Government authorities, who are highly welcoming of this new initiative), and most importantly for all the children we serve. It still pains us much to hear about the horrors these children have gone through, but we are extremely grateful that this dream, to now be able to rescue these children from terror to safety and from hopelessness to a positive future, has become reality.