Doris Miculan Bradley
Doris Miculan Bradley is a Professor, School of Hospitality Tourism Management, George Brown College, Toronto, Canada.With experience working in both the hospitality, tourism and academic sectors.
Doris has been involved in the acquisition, sales and storage of wines in the food business, human resource planning, union-contract negotiation and facility management.
An award winning Sommelier and Licenced Import Agent, Doris is a Gentle Dame Knighted with Chateau Magnol in Bordeaux.
Doris currently sits on the board of directors for Grapes for Humanity Canada and has served the board of directors and Canadian Association of Food Service Professionals.
She has served the Board of Directors for The Canadian Association of Professional Sommeliers and has supported trade commissions as Brand Ambassador; most recently, Brand Ambassador for the Wines of Vinho Verde.
In addition to being a graduate of the International Sommelier Guild program and certified chef, Doris holds a Human Resource Masters (Executive) from Villanova University, Advanced Executive Management Certificate from McMaster University and has recently completed Global Supply Chain Management Certification.
She recently completed her Master Sommelier diploma and is working towards broadening her education.